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Photo of Dr Lei Wei


Lei Wei

Associate Professor

Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation/Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation

Orcid identifier0000-0001-8267-0283
  • Associate Professor
    Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation/Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation
  • +61 3 522 72351 (Work)
  • Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, Victoria 3216


Prof. Wei received his Ph.D. in 2011 from Fraunhofer IDM@NTU in Singapore, a joint research centre between Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Nanyang Technological University. Between 2011 and 2019, Prof. Wei worked as a tenured Senior Researcher at the largest haptic research group in the Southern Hemisphere - Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI), conducting research on haptics, surgical robotics and VR/AR/MR. Between 2019 and 2022, Prof. Wei worked at Tencent Robotics X Lab as a Principal Research Scientist, a Project Manager, and Team Manager of the Center for Sensing, Perception and Interaction. Prof. Wei returned to academia in mid-year 2023 as an Associate Professor through out-of-cycle promotion, endorsed by the Vice Chancellor of Deakin University. His research interests include: Haptically-enabled telepresence and teleoperation, kinesthetic and tactile sensing/actuation, Metaverse, HMI/HRI/HCI, VR/AR/MR, as well as interdisciplinary research on Haptics with physics engine, robotics, microrobots, motion capture, computer vision and deep learning for practical operations and training simulations.

Since 2007, Prof. Wei has published 38 journal papers and 43 conference papers, many of which were on top venues, such as Science Advances (Science), Device (Cell), Transaction on Haptics (IEEE), ICRA, IROS, CVPR, Nano Energy(Elsivier), Microsystems & Nanoengineering, The Visual Computer (Springer), Virtual Reality (Springer), Transaction on Image Processing (IEEE), Transactions on GeoScience and Remote Sensing (IEEE), Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE) and Pattern Recognition (Elsevier). He is also an Associate Editor of IEEE Access Journal, IEEE SMC Magazine and NHIB of Springer Nature.

Since 2013, Prof. Wei has been actively involving in grant applications with various research, industry and defence partners including Thales, Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Defence Science and Technology Group, Defense Science Institute, etc.. and has won $3.9 million AUD grants.

Since 2015, Prof. Wei has been actively performing his management role. He was the Chair of the Facilities, Labs and Safety Committee in IISRI and also managed a team of researchers, Ph.D students, programmers and technical artists. In his role at Tencent Robotics X, he managed an interdisciplinary team of over 15 highly talented individuals, working on multiple projects in relation to HMI, actuation, sensing, control, and computer vision.


  • Associate Professor
    Deakin University, Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation


  • Doctor of Philosophy
    Nanyang Technical University
  • Bachelor of Engineering
    Tianjin University


  • Graphics, augmented reality and games
  • Computer vision and multimedia computation
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Data management and data science
  • Human-centred computing


  • Masters by Research and PhD supervision


  • Research and Innovation


  • Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation