Hannah JongebloedProfile page
Associate Research Fellow
Faculty of Health/School of Nursing & Midwifery
- Associate Research FellowFaculty of Health/School of Nursing & Midwifery
- +61 3 924 68336 (Work)
- Melbourne Burwood Campus, 221 Burwood Highway, Burwood, Victoria 3125
Hannah is an Associate Research Fellow and registered psychologist who is currently undertaking her PhD at Deakin University. Her PhD is focused on optimising equity and access in Australia’s impending National Lung Cancer Screening Program. Hannah’s research utilises are range of methodologies, including qualitative studies, systematic reviews, clinical trials and evaluations of existing cancer services or supports, and partners across government, health services and community groups to drive change. Hannah brings detailed knowledge of Australia’s lung cancer screening program, screening programs internationally and screening programs for other cancers in Australia. She has conducted an international comparisons of lung cancer screening programs and managed and coordinated the delivery of Deakin’s two lung cancer screening programs. She is a psychologist with extensive experience in overseeing project coordination and management, delivery of reports and projects within time and budget, codesign and stakeholder engagement.
- Associate Research FellowDeakin University, School of Nursing and Midwifery
- Doctor of PhilosophyDeakin University, Geelong, Australia2023 - present
- Master of Education and Developmental PsychologyMonash University, Australia2020 - 2021
- Graduate Diploma of PsychologyDeakin University, Geelong, Australia2019
- Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of CriminologyDeakin University, Geelong, Australia2014 - 2017
- Health services and systems
- Nursing
- Faculty of Health
- School of Nursing & Midwifery