John MorssProfile page
Honorary Fellow
Faculty of Business and Law/Deakin Law School
Indicative Leadership and Service Associate Head of School (Research) Deakin
Law School (2004--7; 2007--9; 2009--12); Acting Head of School including a
period of 4.5 months in 2007 and at various other times; Carried out
Performance Reviews; ERA coordinator for Law and Legal Studies FoR 18 in 2010,
2012; Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee 2004-8; Business and
Law Faculty Ethics Committee 2004-9; Leading into the Future Advanced
Leadership Program 2006; Developing Research Leaders Program 2009-10; Award,
Outstanding Contribution to the [B+L] Faculty's Operational Plan for Academic
Support 2009; Award, exceeding performance expectations, B+L, 2009, 2010;
Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Fellowships selection panel 2008 and 2012; Numerous
selection panels for Deakin Law School appointments, and for appointments
beyond the School/Faculty, for Levels A--E; Represented Deakin Law School at
the Council of Australian Law Deans and with the Council for Legal Education
John R Morss is a Senior Lecturer in Deakin Law School. John was born in
London and trained in Psychology at Sheffield and Edinburgh Universities in
the UK and in Law at the University of Otago in New Zealand. He completed his
professional training for admission to practise Law in Dunedin (New Zealand)
in 2003 and received reciprocal recognition in the Supreme Court of Victoria
in the same year.
John's scholarship is always informed by interdisciplinarity. He has published
extensively in his two disciplines of Psychology and Law, having published in
total 7 books (3 sole-authored), over 30 refereed journal articles and 10 book
chapters, with more forthcoming. In Law, his research focus is on conceptual
issues in Public International Law, on which he brings to bear critical
perspectives from the social sciences and humanities. His current project,
which brings together interests from many years, is the articulation of an
approach to global governance and global justice that is at the same time
collective and pluralist.
John continues to publish in disciplines related to Psychology and its
philosophical dimensions. John's book in 1990, 'The Biologising of Childhood:
Developmental Psychology and the Darwinian Myth', has been reissued by
Routledge in late 2017.
Before his appointment to Deakin Law School, John was for 13 years a
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Otago NZ. He is
familiar with pedagogical issues and principles as they relate to the tertiary
sector. John was employed on a continuing basis as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
at the University of Ulster in the UK in 1980 to 1986, and at the University
of Otago in New Zealand from 1986 to 1999. He held positions of responsibility
in all the long-term posts, most recently Associate Head of School in Research
in Deakin Law School from 2004 to 2012, at various times Acting Head of
School, including a period of 4.5 months in 2007, and Director LLB from 2015
to 2016.
John has experience from three other universities on a short-term and
research-focused basis, namely; Cambridge University, Charles Sturt University
and Victoria University. He spent three periods as a visiting researcher at
Cambridge University. During the year-long visit in 1993 to the Social and
Political Studies Faculty, he taught a lecture series and conducted
'supervisions' and tutorials (individual and small group teaching
respectively) as well as being the second marker in the first-year examination
for Social Psychology.
John was a Visiting Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law,
University of Cambridge and By-Fellow, Churchill College, the University of
Cambridge in 2008. He was a Visiting Fellow in the Law Department at European
University Institute in Florence in 2010, and Visiting Researcher at Sheffield
Centre for International and European Law, Sheffield University Law School in
He has been an active member of the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship
and Globalisation, formerly the Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation, at
Deakin University ADI for a number of years, and has been a member of the
Executive Group for the ADI.
Law School (2004--7; 2007--9; 2009--12); Acting Head of School including a
period of 4.5 months in 2007 and at various other times; Carried out
Performance Reviews; ERA coordinator for Law and Legal Studies FoR 18 in 2010,
2012; Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee 2004-8; Business and
Law Faculty Ethics Committee 2004-9; Leading into the Future Advanced
Leadership Program 2006; Developing Research Leaders Program 2009-10; Award,
Outstanding Contribution to the [B+L] Faculty's Operational Plan for Academic
Support 2009; Award, exceeding performance expectations, B+L, 2009, 2010;
Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Fellowships selection panel 2008 and 2012; Numerous
selection panels for Deakin Law School appointments, and for appointments
beyond the School/Faculty, for Levels A--E; Represented Deakin Law School at
the Council of Australian Law Deans and with the Council for Legal Education
John R Morss is a Senior Lecturer in Deakin Law School. John was born in
London and trained in Psychology at Sheffield and Edinburgh Universities in
the UK and in Law at the University of Otago in New Zealand. He completed his
professional training for admission to practise Law in Dunedin (New Zealand)
in 2003 and received reciprocal recognition in the Supreme Court of Victoria
in the same year.
John's scholarship is always informed by interdisciplinarity. He has published
extensively in his two disciplines of Psychology and Law, having published in
total 7 books (3 sole-authored), over 30 refereed journal articles and 10 book
chapters, with more forthcoming. In Law, his research focus is on conceptual
issues in Public International Law, on which he brings to bear critical
perspectives from the social sciences and humanities. His current project,
which brings together interests from many years, is the articulation of an
approach to global governance and global justice that is at the same time
collective and pluralist.
John continues to publish in disciplines related to Psychology and its
philosophical dimensions. John's book in 1990, 'The Biologising of Childhood:
Developmental Psychology and the Darwinian Myth', has been reissued by
Routledge in late 2017.
Before his appointment to Deakin Law School, John was for 13 years a
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Otago NZ. He is
familiar with pedagogical issues and principles as they relate to the tertiary
sector. John was employed on a continuing basis as a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
at the University of Ulster in the UK in 1980 to 1986, and at the University
of Otago in New Zealand from 1986 to 1999. He held positions of responsibility
in all the long-term posts, most recently Associate Head of School in Research
in Deakin Law School from 2004 to 2012, at various times Acting Head of
School, including a period of 4.5 months in 2007, and Director LLB from 2015
to 2016.
John has experience from three other universities on a short-term and
research-focused basis, namely; Cambridge University, Charles Sturt University
and Victoria University. He spent three periods as a visiting researcher at
Cambridge University. During the year-long visit in 1993 to the Social and
Political Studies Faculty, he taught a lecture series and conducted
'supervisions' and tutorials (individual and small group teaching
respectively) as well as being the second marker in the first-year examination
for Social Psychology.
John was a Visiting Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law,
University of Cambridge and By-Fellow, Churchill College, the University of
Cambridge in 2008. He was a Visiting Fellow in the Law Department at European
University Institute in Florence in 2010, and Visiting Researcher at Sheffield
Centre for International and European Law, Sheffield University Law School in
He has been an active member of the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship
and Globalisation, formerly the Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation, at
Deakin University ADI for a number of years, and has been a member of the
Executive Group for the ADI.
- Honorary FellowDeakin University, Deakin Law School
- Doctor of PhilosophyUniversity of Edinburgh
- Bachelor of Law(s)University of Otago
- Bachelor of ScienceUniversity of Sheffield
- Masters by Research and PhD supervision
- Faculty of Business and Law
- Deakin Law School